Information about  the ninth congress of 9 EFRS

 In the period of 17-19.09.2010 in Belgrade , Serbia the 9th Central European Congress was held . This congress was attended by two members of ZRTM ,the president and one member . The significance of this Congress is that it helped  Macedonian Association of Radiological Technologists MSRT to be officially received in the European Federation of radiographer and radiological technologists (EFRS). A lot of  documents were passed and signed  as part of the application for  EFRS and in all segments we  have fulfilled the conditions required by EFRS. There was a small problem of a delegation ( not official ) concerning  the name of our country and association , but all members of the leadership headed by the  President Van EFRS Sayaxche Thyrsus from the Netherlands gave a maximum support to MSRT.
The EFRS count 32 associations and 30 universities from Europe and it is covered by the European Commission in the field of education and health .
Membership of the European Federation MSRT gives  new opportunities for members of the MSRT especially for the younger ones. The second member of Congress MSRT Manoilov Mihajlo performed a poster presentation that was evaluated as one of the best .
Macedonian Association of Radiological Technologists in EFRS will be represented by Miroslav Kostadinov - President MSRT and DimitarAndonov - Vice President of MSRT.
We are happy to be a part of  the European family.

President MSRT ( ZRTM )
Specialist Radiological Technologist
Miroslav Kostadinov